Friday, February 26, 2010

Nvidia Game optimizer for the comp!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alien vs. Predator (2010)

Alright! This maybe the ultimate match up of all time! The game story is that you can play as either a Marine for the Weyland Yuetani Corp, a Xenomorph (Alien), or a Predator in three separate storylines. To be honest the story is... flat, but the multiplayer is a fresh look at FPS multiplayer. While there aren't any class systems as a Marine or Predator you pick up weapons as you play (scattered around the map) and as an Alien you already are the ultimate weapon! The atmosphere as a Marine is quite eerie without being overly scary and provides quite a few scares as an Alien attacks from the shadows or a cloaked Predator sneaks up and dices you in two. The system works well but isn't a complete revolution to the FPS genre. For the $60 you'd be better off with Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. But if your a die-hard fan of the series it's worth a rent and a weekend!

Getting to E3

Hey everyone (all 5 people who checked this out from my facebook link)! My name is Evan Heiber, your gamer guru. My job is now to review games, tell you whats hot and whats not (damn the cliche) and maybe add a few laughs to your day! My ultimate goal is to get to E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) and represent the everyday gamer there! As many of you know E3 isn't open to the public which... well, sucks. And many other groups (ie G4tv) try to get you the coverage you want but it is only what they think you want! If i do get there whatever i cover will be only what you want! Like you tell me and i do it! Thanks! Spread the word about me! I'm starting up a YouTube page today too! All of my reviews will be text but most will have a video of me reviewing it too! The link to the page is !